Our Curriculum


Driven by creativity and curiosity, the Mersey Drive Curriculum  provides our pupils with a breadth of purposeful and meaningful experiences steeped in the rich language of learning. Through our aspirational ‘Believe to achieve!’ ethos,  children at Mersey Drive are encouraged to strive for academic and personal excellence across all areas of the curriculum.

Our broad, enriched curriculum has been carefully designed to engage our pupils and stimulate their curiosity. With our school motto, ‘Enjoy learning; Aim High’ at its heart, our exciting curriculum seeks to ensure every child is given a wide range of learning opportunities. These opportunities will allow leaners to progress their skills, knowledge and understanding while developing the confidence and resilience required to move to the next stage in their education and beyond.

Our inclusive curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced and provides meaningful enrichment experiences for our children, ensuring that all learners -including disadvantaged learners and those with SEND,  have the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. 

Our Mersey Drive curriculum builds on the foundations of learning from Early Years and inspires to become  learners who are flexible, creative, proactive, able to solve problems, make decisions, think critically and communicate their ideas effectively.

Through our curriculum we aim to ensure our pupils: 

  • Enjoy learning
  • Believe to achieve and be successful in their learning
  • Foster curiosity
  • Become creative, independent learners
  • Develop oracy
  • Use reading as an opportunity to explore and learn
  • Be aspirational
  • Be given significant time to learn new skills and have time to practise and embed these skills
  • Nurture positive relationships, promoting working co-operatively with one another and celebrate diversity
  • Make a difference
  • Know what their strengths are and which areas they need to develop
  • Become successful lifelong learners who are able to reach their full potential
  • Challenge themselves and engage themselves in deeper learning
  • Be able to evaluate and assess their own learning
  • Develop their critical thinking
  • Explore their spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development.
  • Learn and practise the basic skills of English, Mathematics and Computing
  • Link their learning to prior experiences and revisit and develop previous knowledge





All pupils have access to a full and balanced curriculum and all subjects are valued. Through our highly  inclusive, immersive approach we enable individuals to achieve.  We know that broad and balanced curriculum will equip our children with a breadth of knowledge and skills. Teaching staff overcome barriers to learning and enable individuals to to achieve. We respect and value all children and celebrate diversity.  We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our pupils so they can learn, in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.

The curriculum, while paying due regard to achieving high standards in English and Mathematics, is broad, exciting and challenging.   We aim to embed our curriculum within our local area and draw on the history and resources available locally to enhance learning.  Our values form key diagonal links through our curriculum ensuring that learning is cohesive and concepts are embedded.

The curriculum is used to increase children’s knowledge, skills and understanding as they grow and develop and become more aware of their local community and the wider world around them.  We will raise aspirations and support children to foster positive attitudes to their learning.

The curriculum is carefully planned and structured to ensure that learning is continuous, ensure the promotion of our school values and that the children make good progress with the development of their learning. We try to ensure that the knowledge and skills gained are used and embedded across the whole curriculum and not simply in isolation and that meaningful links are made between subjects; both within and between year groups. 

A broad range of enhancements are a key aspect of our curriculum offer.  In order to instill our ‘Enjoy learning; aim high’ ethos our Enhancement Passport aims to engage the children’s interest, encourage, and motivate them to want to learn.  It offers exciting first-hand experiences to reinforce learning and to underpin growing knowledge, skills and, understanding.  In addition, it allows opportunities to expand the Cultural Capital of the children within our school.

The curriculum is all the planned activities that we as a school organise in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. It includes, not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of extra-curricular activities which enrich the experiences of our children. It also includes the ‘hidden curriculum’; the skills the children learn from the ethos of the school’s behaviour policy which encourages tolerance, understanding and respect. We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others, whilst developing knowledge, skills and positive attitudes to learning, in order that they succeed.



Each half term each year group explores a key topic that leads our creative, enquiry based curriculum.

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