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Remote Education: information for parents


This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils, and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education, our blended learning offer and our digital platforms.

  • All children will have a personalised learning offer which takes into account  their next steps of learning
  • Personalised offers will take into account individual children's learning styles and learning needs - not all aspects will be used by all children

The establishment of blended learning will allow seamless learning should children be required to self-isolate or schools face further closures.

Phase 1

Continuous development of skills for online learning. Platforms and technologies will be used for weekly homework and in class learning boosts.

Phase 2

Seamless transition from in-school to home learning.  Systems in place to support individuals self-isolating.


Phase 3

Full remote learning offer enabled classes following closures of classes or whole school closure



You can access our full parental guide to remote learning HERE