Most families, most of the time, get on with their lives quite happily with little or no outside help. If they need help it is usually provided by universal services, such as schools, doctors, dentists etc. This can include the day-to-day support provided to pupils and their families by our staff within school.
At Mersey Drive Primary School, we understand that sometimes families need some extra help, support and guidance.
Early Help means taking action to support a child, young person or their family as soon as a concern emerges.
To support and advise you during these times we have our Well Being and Inclusion Team.
Meet the team:
Mrs. D. Turner (Lead Practioner for Inclusion and SEND)
Mrs. C. Marriott Moncrieffe (Behaviour Lead/EYFS Manager and Assistant Head)
Mrs. K. Wilcox (Child and Family Well Being Lead)
Miss. A. Shaw (Attendance and Well Being Lead)
Isaac Adams – Early Help contact.
Bury also have an Early Help Team. Every Bury School has a named Early Help contact. The Early Help contact for Mersey Drive is Isaac Adams.
Early Help can be required at any stage of a child's life, from pre-birth to adulthood and applies to any issues or need that the family can't deal with alone. Early Help aims to empower families to regain control of their circumstances. Early Help supports families to identify areas that might need further support to be stronger within a family.
These may include a wide range of issues such as: Behaviour management, SEN, toileting, establishing routines, mental health, domestic abuse, loss and bereavement, mobility, young carers, housing, debt/financial support, drug and alcohol misuse, transport and any other concerns the family/staff may have that they feel is having a negative impact upon the child/family.
Parents/carers or the child may recognise that support is required or school may identify that there are emerging needs and that external support or services may be required.
Children and families will be supported and reviewed regularly via the Story So Far document. The document will be voluntarily completed by the practitioner, parents/cares/child, staff from school and anyone who is supporting the family. The document allows the family to identify areas of strength and current or emerging needs.
Early Help empowers families to make changes for themselves, overcoming any problems and improve their lives. Early Help encourage them to reach their full potential.
Having everyone’s views and sharing all of the current information allows for a coordinated plan and whole system approach.
There is a key named worker who will coordinate the plan, review it regularly and work with the family.